
Bank Account-

In order to get paid for my job, I was required to open a Japanese bank account-

And that's what I did for the second day-

First, you need to have an alien registration card...
Now this was easy, you need a picture, your passport and an appropriate visa-

Next you need a identification paper telling the bank that you are a foreigner and that you don't have a personal stamp thingy- Apparently, they don't like signing things and every family has their own little stamp with their family name or something- You could have it specially made or buy it at the hyakuyen shop (dollar store).

Now, once you have all the required information... finding a bank is the hardest part. For most banks in japan, you have to have been living in japan for at least 6 months- my working visa only said 6 months... damn it- Got reject by 3 banks before I finally remember that the company actually told me to try Citibank. Took 3 hours of walking around to finally find a branch that will let me get my crap done. This is mainly caused by the fact that I actually went to Citibank's main office building 50 mins away from the station that was closest to it- You would think that if you go to the main office they must have some type of service counter, right? NOPE.... damn it $#^$&%(*&&*()@(%#*^&...

But finally- after 6 hours of adventuring around Tokyo in 34 degrees weather, I got my stupid bank account... only to find out that city bank has exactly 103 ATM machines in the whole of Tokyo. WOW- I'm think this adventure for the bank is not gonna end any time soon....

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